In this article
- An Overview of Beginner’s Yoga Poses
- Tadasana Yoga Poses
- Uttanasana Yoga Poses
- Uttihita Chaturanga Dandasana Yoga Poses
- Adhomukha Swanasana Yoga Poses
- Balasana Yoga Poses
Of late; the entire world has been recognizing the power of yoga. People are becoming aware of the benefits of yoga practices on their physical as well as mental health. Beginners should start practicing yoga the right way. The reason is that many advanced yoga poses might not be easy for beginners to perform. They should start with the basic yoga postures. Here are the top 5 beginner yoga poses that are easy to practice but highly beneficial for your physical and mental health.
An Overview of Beginner’s Yoga Poses
The practice of any art; and that includes yoga; should always start with the performing of basics. This means that you should start with the basic yoga poses for beginners. Many people consider performing yoga postures beyond their capabilities. Contrary to their notions; many yoga poses are easy to perform and immensely beneficial for developing a sound physique and mind. It will be good to maintain a beginner yoga poses chart containing the following five basic yoga poses that are ideal to start with. You may obtain the advice of some yoga master or buy a DVD containing the visual of the yoga poses performed by experts to guide you.

Tadasana or the Mountain pose as is popularly known as one of the easiest beginner’s yoga poses.
- It works as the basis for different standing poses as well as inversions in yoga;
- The pose involves activating the torso and legs of the performer;
- As the performer gets grounded through this pose, his or her confidence will grow;
- The asana (pose) works very well for reduction of anxiety; and
This is one of the easy yoga poses beginners find effective for tuning up for advanced poses. Following are the steps involved –
- Stand with big toes barely touching;
- Keep your heels slightly apart;
- The second toes should be parallel;
- Press on big and little tows as well as left and right heels;
- Take a deep breath and roll shoulders up and back;
- Release shoulder blades so that they rest on each other lengthening your neck; and
Take a few deep breathes in the pose and slowly revert to your original stance.

Uttanasana is also known as the forward fold is one of the easy yoga poses for beginners but can be extremely beneficial for your body and mind. The process of performance is as follows.
- Start with a deep breath;
- While inhaling also lift the arms to sides and over the head;
- While exhaling release the arms towards the front or to the sides as it is convenient for you;
- It is like a swan with wings spread apart;
- Fold your torso over your legs;
- You can have a slight bend of the knees initially to make the pose easier for you; and
- While relaxing straighten the legs as much as you can.
A word of caution for beginners is to stop straightening the legs the moment you feel pains or discomfort. It is necessary to perform the beginner’s yoga pose safely without stretching too much. Properly performed this yoga pose is beneficial for the spine and hamstrings and balancing your physique.
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3. Uttihita Chaturanga Dandasana

Utility chaturaranga Dandasana also known as plank pose is one of the most active poses for beginners that impacts all the front body muscles. This asana or pose is a continuation of the forward fold pose as stated above. It is one of the easy yoga poses for beginners. The steps involved in performing this yoga pose are as follows.
- From the forward fold pose put the hands flat on the floor;
- Bend the knees as required;
- Step back each leg one at a time;
- Stop when you get into perfect plank pose;
- Press the hands keeping legs parallel;
- Pull the belly button towards the spine;
- Inhale deeply and exhale slowly;
- Activate the arms and core areas of the body; and
- Try getting banana back.
Since getting into a banana back pose is essential; you can take the help of friends or instructors initially till you develop expertise in performing the yoga pose. Also, the upper body should be straight while performing this yoga pose.
4. Adhomukha Swanasana

Adomukha swanasana also know as the down-facing dog pose is one of the easiest as well as best for gaining beginner yoga balance poses. Benefits of performing yoga pose are –
- It elongates the spine of the performer;
- It also stretches the back leg muscles;
- Performing the pose helps digestion; and
- Focusing on mind inversion works to release stress and to pacify the nervous system in the anatomy.
Steps to perform this yoga pose are as follows –
- Start from plank pose;
- Push hands and lift hip while inhaling and pushing it back while exhaling;
- While this is one of the easiest among the beginner’s yoga poses you should be careful to keep the spine neutral;
- Keep legs straight with heels facing the floor; and
- Beginners can paddle their legs to warm up before performing the yoga pose.
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5. Balasana

Balasana knew as a child’s pose this asana or pose works very well for resting and resetting the nervous system in the anatomy. Together with the other four poses explained above it can also be used as beginner yoga poses for weight loss among others. The following steps are necessary for performers of this yoga pose.
- Start with a down-facing dog pose;
- While exhaling release your knees to the floor;
- Pull the hips back to heels;
- Rest head on the floor;
- Arms may be stretched in front or can be pulled next to the body; and
- Rest the palms near the feet.
The yoga pose benefits the spine, shoulder, and neck as well as internal organs.
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Different experts may have different suggestions on beginner’s yoga poses but these five are accepted by most of them as the best.