Top 7 Yoga Poses for Breathing Control

Top 7 Yoga Poses for Breathing Control

In this article

  1. Introduction
  2. Lion’s Breathe Yoga
  3. Breath of Fire Yoga
  4. Kapalbhati
  5. Three-Part Breathing
  6. Alternative Nostril for Breathing
  7. Bellows Breath
  8. Ujjayi Breath
  9. Mind-Body Balance with Yoga Poses for Breathing

Breathing exercises are part of the yoga practices. It is also known as pranayama and is used for controlling breathing to get a healthy life. Breath is the source of life and exercises based on breathing control can be very helpful in getting a healthy body.

One of the big challenges for beginners is effective breathing control to relieve stress and create a calming effect on the body and mind. If you are interested in making the best use of yoga for breathing then you have to learn about the yoga poses for breathing. Below is provided relevant information on the top 7 yoga poses based on breathing control.

1. Lion’s Breathe Yoga
Lion’s Breathe Yoga for Breathing Control
Lion’s Breathe Yoga. Source: Irina Nedikova

This is one of the yoga poses for breathing control that focuses on sudden release of breath. Performing this breathing exercise is fun for the users. This breathing exercise is practiced in the following manner.

  • Inhale deeply through the nose;
  • Lean your head back;
  • Open your mouth wide;
  • Exhale loudly and stick out tongue; and
  • Practice this breathing exercise several times to get the best results.

You can perform these exercises in sukhasana or standing straight.

2. Breath of Fire Yoga
Breath of Fire Yoga
Breath of Fire Yoga. Source:

This is one of the best yoga poses for breathing and it warms up the body perfectly. Heat is build up in your abdominal muscles and other organs. It is very effective in detoxifying the body. The way of practicing this pose is as follows.

  • Seat before the fire in a straight pose or sukhasana;
  • Inhale gently through the nose;
  • Exhale vigorously and pull your navel repeatedly;
  • Each step will inspire you to exhale quickly; and
  • It is necessary balancing the force and time of the exhales.
3. Kapalbhati
Kapalbhati. Source:

This is one of the best yoga poses for breathing. The breathing exercise helps clean your scalp. The breathing exercise can enhance the energy level in the anatomy considerably. While it is similar in practice to the breath of fire kapalbhati emphasizes the process of exhaling. The process involves the following steps.

  • Put your arms in a straight posture above the head;
  • This pose will help better lymph circulation in the upper body of the performer;
  • Decide on the pose of your choice;
  • Hands should look like the dog’s head;
  • Your ring and middle fingers should rest on the thumb creating a triangle; and
  • The pointer finger should be straight.

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4. Three-Part Breathing
Dirgha Pranayama (Three-Part Breathing) Yoga Poses for Breathing Control
Dirgha Pranayama (Three-Part Breathing). Source:

This is one of the yoga poses for highly relaxing breathing. While the speed of performance should be slow the breathing exercise has proved very effective for relieving stress and strains, anxiety, and insomnia. The reason is that it makes a calming effect on the body and mind. The process of performing is as follows.

  • Place one hand on your upper chest;
  • Place the other hand on navel;
  • Inhale first into your chest;
  • Next; inhale into the upper abdomen;
  • Puff the belly out just like a balloon; and
  • Follow the sequence for all repetition.
5. Alternative Nostril for Breathing
Alternative Nostril Breathing for Breathing Control
Alternative Nostril for Breathing. Source:

The yoga poses breathing alternatively through the nose is one of the easiest yoga poses for breathing exercises. The sequence of using each nostril is also easy to remember. The breathing process develops the concentration of the performer and focuses on the achievement of the desired goal. Use of the breathing process helps sound sleep for those suffering from insomnia and anxiety. The process of performing this breathing pose is as follows.

  • Place your right middle as well as pointer fingers in your palm;
  • Keep the pinkie and ring fingers free;
  • Block the right nostril with your thumb;
  • Inhale through the left nostril;
  • Exhale through the right nostril;
  • Use the same process and block the left nostril and inhale through the right nostril and then exhale through the left nostril; and
  • Repeat the process several times.

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6. Bellows Breath
Bellows Breath
Bellows Breath. Source:

This is one of the most invigorating yoga poses for breathing. Start your morning yoga practice using this breathing exercise. The benefits of using yoga breathing techniques are that you can perform them anywhere any time. The practice of this breathing method can help address issues like stress, anxiety, and frustration quickly. Following are the ways of performing yoga breathing.

  • Raise hands making feasts;
  • You can also perform it with the fingers placed in a wide format;
  • Inhale through the mouth; and
  • While exhaling keep the elbows at the side.
7. Ujjayi Breath
Ujjayi Breath for Breathing Control
Ujjayi Breath. Source:

This is one of the most popular yoga poses for breathing. It is also simple and easy to perform. You can practice it during any physical practice session in yoga school, gym, or at your home. The yoga method has a great calming effect on the performer’s body and mind. In addition; this is the method that can be used whether you are on the mat or off the mat. You can practice it using the following steps.

  • It is practiced by inhaling and exhaling through the nose;
  • Drag every breath to the back of the throat thereby generating a low hissing sound;
  • Balance the timing of inhaling and exhaling;
  • Each inhaling will be deeper than the previous one; and
  • Perform till you start breathing long and smoothly.

Practice it as many times as possible to get the best results.

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Mind-Body Balance with Yoga Poses for Breathing

The basic objective of performing yoga poses for breathing is balancing the mind and body. Breathing is the lifeline of any living being. A person uses as much as 0.5 billion breathing during his or her entire life. Therefore; controlling breathing can give you control over your life. Breathing is the process that coordinates the body and mind and with the use of yoga poses you will be able to keep control over your entire life easily and conveniently. Yoga has great healing power and yoga poses are used for addressing various health problems much better than traditional medications and treatments.


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